
The Vicksburg Project
Mabou Mines, Harlem Stage, and piece by piece. Mabou Mines 2022, Harlem Stage 2023
Co-Creator/Director Mallory Catlett, Co-Creator/Writer/Performer Karen Kandel, Co-Creator/Composer Eve Belgarian. Performers: Karen Kandel, RED, Lauren Genevieve, Meghan Schubert, Melanie Dyer, Gwen Laster, Christina Morris

“This compelling combination of memoir and music creates a truly one-of-a-kind theatrical experience… A work of dazzling ingenuity and raw self expression.” - Theater is Easy
Theatre Conspiracy. PuSh International Performing Arts Festival 2013, Brooklyn Arts Exchange 2014, The Tank NYC 2018, Summer Works Toronto 2018 & Progress Lab 1422 Vancouver 2019
Co-Creator/Director Mallory Catlett, Co-Creator/Writer/Performer Tanya Marquardt, Co-Creator/Music/Performer Tim Carlson, Dramaturg Brian Rogers. Performers: Jon Wood and Ed Goodine.
Beowulf – A Thousand Years of Baggage
“breaking down the conventions of classical adaptations and celebrating an anarchic style that might not encompass every plot detail, but captures a visceral truth that traditionalists may have forgotten.” - The Scotsman
“boldly theatrical, full of bravado and even as it playfully tears the narrative apart, it never forgets that it has a story to tell. “ - The Guardian
“a glorious din that transforms the story of Beowulf into something that’s fun and sexy, as well as pioneering the sort of DIY musical which, in recession-blighted times, is the rough-hewn, hand-knitted future.” - Herald Scotland
Banana Bag & Bodice - Brighton Festival, UK 2013 May Fest, Bristol, UK 2013 ART, Boston 2013 Adelaide Festival, Australia, 2013 Edinburgh Festival, Scotland, 2011 Kilkenny Arts Festival, Ireland, 2011 Escales Improbables, Montreal, 2010 Club Oberon, ART, Boston 2010 Joe’s Pub, NYC 2010 SummerStages, NYC 2010
Co-Directors Mallory Catlett & Rod Hipskind, Writer Jason Craig, Composer Dave Malloy, Performers/Co-Creators: Jason Craig, Rod Hipskind, Jessica Jelliffe, Kristin Sieh, Lisa Clair, Anna Ishida, Shaye Troha Band: Dave Malloy, Rick Burkhardt, Jen Baker, Mario Maggio, Sam Kulick, Ezra Gale, Pete Wise.

Red Fly Blue Bottle
A theatrical event that bridges concert, cabinet of curiosities, and video installation
“Credit goes to the director, Mallory Catlett, for fusing a multitude of elements into an integrated whole – a portrait of a fractured mind that, somehow, holds together.” — New York Times
Latitude 14, Here, NYC 2009 Noorderzon Festival, Netherlands 2009 EMPAC, Troy, NY 2010
Director Mallory Catlett, Writer Stephanie Fleischmann, Composer Christina Campanella, Video Peter Norrman, Live Video Mirit Tal, Lights Miranda Hardy, Set Jim Findlay, Costumes Olivera Gajic, Sculpture Matt Verta-Ray. Performers: Jesse Hawley, Chris Lee, Black-Eyed Susan, Christina Campanella, Sam Baker, Erich Schoen-Rene.
An underground entertainment performed by a band of deserters stuck under No Man’s Land“Lurid, feverish, powerful” - NY TIMES
Juggernaut Theatre Company/Here, NYC 2008
Conceiver/Director Mallory Catlett, Writer Jason Craig, Composer/Music Director Lisa Dove. Set/Lights Peter Ksander, Video Zbigniew Bzymek, Sound G Lucas Crane. Performers/Co-Creators: Jason Craig, Scott Sowers, Jessica Jelliffe, Kelli Rae Powell, Magin Schantz, Tom Lipinski, G Lucas Crane.
The Fall And Rise of the Rising Fallen
BB&B concoct their alter ego in the form of a concept punk band in this rock concert/pageant play.
“Director Mallory Catlett orchestrates the chaos strewn around a catastrophically claustrophobic set with wit and panache so that the boxing-ring-like venue is stage, living room, and oil derrick, sometimes all during the same scene.” - Superfluities
“This isn’t a play whose point is for you to fall in love with the protagonist - this a play whose point is for you stamp your feet and sing-a-long and then get mad because your idols disappoint you. But maybe they never asked to be your idols in the first place? Maybe you just decided that, and you should try being your own idol
for a while.” - Culturebot
Banana Bag & Bodice PS 122, NYC 2007 COIL Festival, PS122, NYC 2008
Director Mallory Catlett, Writer Jason Craig, Lyrics Peter Blomquist, Music The Rising Fallen. Lights Miranda Hardy, Sound Jamie McElhinney, Performers/Co-Creators: Mary Archias, Peter Blomquist. Jason Craig, Rod Hipskind, Jessica Jelliffe, Casey Opstad & Heather Peroni.